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Sitting on a heating pad or applying a hot compress to the tailbone region 4 times a day for a duration of 20 minutes might ease tailbone pain during pregnancy. The coccyx can be surgically removed through a procedure known as a coccygectomy. Patrick Foye, M.D., is a physician specializing in Pain Management, with particular expertise in treating Tailbone Pain witho. Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be a time of discomfort and pain. [5] Tailbone pain pregnancy symptom is also due to certain pregnancy hormones. The symptoms of a broken tailbone are similar to those of a bruised tailbone, so it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. For pain relief, they may use alternating hot and cold compresses. If you are experiencing tailbone pain during pregnancy, rest as much as possible and take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. The tailbone is a joint that is at the bottom of your spine. Come and see one of our physios if your are experiencing coccyx pain during your pregnancy. 1. He completed his anesthesia residency at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio where he served as Chief Resident, followed by an interventional pain management fellowship at Rush University in Chicago, IL. It is one of the points of attachment of your pelvic floor muscles that support your vagina, your expanding uterus and future baby during pregnancy. Call 911 and avoid moving the person if they have signs of spinal cord injury along with a tailbone injury caused by a fall. 6 6) Avoid crossing your legs whenever possible. The exercises outlined above intend to address some of the causes of tailbone pain. From the 13th to the 26th week, the pelvic bones gradually separate, their position changes, the tailbone returns. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. Suffering with tailbone pain in pregnancy? Walking : walking is a highly recommended exercise for everyone, but especially for pregnant women with tailbone pain. Staehler, R. (2017). Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be allowable. Weight gain: Another common cause of tailbone pain during pregnancy is weight gain. What are the best treatments for a bruised or painful tailbone? You can do this, but you should stay away from sports that could reinjure your tailbone. What is the latest research on the form of cancer Jimmy Carter has? loss of control of their bowels or bladder, weakness, numbness, or tingling in their legs. 5 5) Rest on your side with pillows supporting your belly, back, and head. Lower back injury, a fall on the tailbone. In addition to relieving the pain of coccydynia, treatment should reduce inflammation and ease muscle tension. Tailbone pain or coccydynia occurs during pregnancy due to hormones making the ligaments and joints more flexible in the pelvic bowl to prepare for birth. This can be a common area of discomfort during pregnancy due to this. Learn more here. You can get more personalized recommendations and biomechanical advice from physical therapy. It is made up of several small bones that are fused together. These movements during pregnancy time pain the tailbone. Tailbone pain is horrible. try pelvic floor exercises (particularly important during pregnancy) use an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel on the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes - you can also use a heat pack . Follow the same advice for stronger pain medicines containing any opioid (narcotic) substance (such as Percocet, Darvocet, OxyContin, oxycodone, morphine, etc.). My problem was mainly caused by bad posture when . If possible, bring the forehead to the floor. Repetitive stress: If the tailbone has been injured previously and stress is applied to it . Yes I am in horrible pain right at my tailbone! Don't squeeze so tight that you increase your tailbone pain or back pain. The tailbone is the bottom of the spine. Additionally, the hormones that are released during pregnancy can cause the ligaments that support the coccyx to loosen, leading to pain and discomfort. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and even difficulty walking. A person should contact a doctor immediately if they experience: Tailbone pain can occur for many reasons, and an older study found that conservative management at home is often enough to allow recovery. Don't suffer unnecessarily when relief and comfort could be yours. Prenatal Yoga. The tissues of the arms and legs (and sometimes the torso) can accumulate fluid and when this happens it is called lymphoedema. If the hips are not square, tuck the back toe under to correct this. For TAILBONE PAIN (Coccyx Pain), NJ, NY, PA, USA, global. The two things that have helped me the MOST is going to the chiropractor once or twice a week and at night I sleep on my back on a heating pad. Patrick Foye, M.D. If you had PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) during pregnancy which wasn't addressed, then this can also feed into coccyx pain postnatally, because the compensation we do through the body which cause PGP, or that we do because of having PGP, can also cause altered load through the pelvis as a whole, and can significantly affect the healing process. Pregnancy Pillows. Has anyone experienced this? Additionally, you can try taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Acute trauma: A sudden injury to the coccyx can cause acute pain. As one would image, this is normal. Without a prescription, they can be purchased online or in stores. It also improves the spine mobility and the flexibility of the abdominal muscles. There are a few things you can do to help ease the pain associated with tailbone pain during pregnancy. The treatment of chronic coccydynia and postcoccygectomy pain with pelvic floor physical therapy. The pain maybe worse when sitting or when rising from sitting on a chair or couch. This cramping is caused by the expansion of the uterus. Avoid sitting on surfaces that worsen the tailbone pain (e.g. The thigh should be at a 90-degree angle to the shin. The . Coccyx (tailbone) pain can occur at any time during your pregnancy due to the increase in body weight, softening of the ligaments and muscles around your pelvis. we do! When trying to conceive, one of the first things you may want to know is how soon you can take a pregnancy test. This type of pain can start early in pregnancy and continue throughout the nine months. The earliest pregnancy symptoms tend to occur around the time you would expect your period, but some women experience early symptoms days or even weeks before their period is due. There are some other conditions that may feel like tailbone pain but are not. It is safer to maintain a pelvic tilt instead. hard surfaces versus soft surfaces). This enables the coccyx to move as necessary during childbirth. Pain during bowel movements. If the pain is severe or does not go away, however, it is important to consult with a doctor. High Heels: Another common cause of tailbone pain during pregnancy is wearing high heels. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/tailbone-pain-coccydynia/causes/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519497/, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/chordoma, https://intermountainhealthcare.org/services/pain-management/conditions/hip-and-leg-pain/coccydynia/, https://www.lahey.org/lhmc/department/orthopaedic-surgery/orthopedic-surgery-conditions-we-treat/coccydynia/, https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=UC4tDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA539&dq=treatment+of+coccydynia&ots=bwlNYTDJ9R&sig=mBnw62nhYnCHLaKuRPk5Qhvhg3Y&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=treatment%20of%20coccydynia&f=false, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3822321/pdf/jmt-21-04-213.pdf, https://journals.lww.com/acsm-csmr/fulltext/2020/06000/iliopsoas_the_hidden_muscle__anatomy,_diagnosis,.11.aspx, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1360859217300499, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pmrj.12706, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27565640/, https://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/anatomy-coccyx-tailbone, https://www.spine-health.com/conditions/lower-back-pain/coccydynia-tailbone-pain. A doctor can perform a physical exam of the area and request further tests, if necessary, to identify and treat the cause and rule out any other conditions. When you sit, your tailbone aids in your balance, and it's normal to have some discomfort during labor since your body releases the hormone relaxin to soften your pelvic ligaments. Learn, There are many possible causes of hip pain. Tailbone pain is often caused by the pelvic ligaments loosening and shifting. Anteriorly, the coccyx is bordered by the levator ani muscle and the sacro-coccygeal ligament. During pregnancy, the SI joints can cause discomfort both from the effects of the hormones that loosen the joints, and from the stress of carrying a growing baby in the pelvis. Because of the attachment to the gluteus maximus muscle, it is often important to strengthen this muscle. Coccydynia (tailbone pain). Brisk walking is another form of exercise that limits stress on the back and . Most early ultrasounds are performed between weeks six and eight of pregnancy. A recent study found that people with coccydynia benefited from performing exercises to increase thoracic spine mobility and to stretch the piriformis and iliopsoas muscles in the buttocks and hips. Scott, K. M., . The most common symptoms of early pregnancy are fatigue, morning sickness, and changes in the breasts. Swimming. Sitting on a yoga ball does help, and I also find sitting on a wedge pillow helps too, but you also just get sort of used to it after a while. Apply heat or ice to the affected area. Following fellowship, Dr. Ormond moved to Phoenix and has been practicing in the Valley for a few years before deciding to start his own practice. Loop the hands around the right thigh and gently pull it toward the chest for 30 seconds. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Your tailbone is put under additional strain by the weight of your expanding baby. Classic symptoms include midline pain located below the sacrum and above the anus. Ultrasounds are most often used to determine the due date, so if the woman is unsure of when her last period was, an ultrasound may be performed to help determine the gestational age. The tailbone is triangular and consists of between three and five semi-fused bones. This article gives some basic information for women facing these concerns. Yoga poses such as cat-cow pose can be very effective in treating tailbone pain in pregnancy. prolonged standing. A woman should inform her obstetrician (and any involved midwife or other childbirth professional) if she has any has a history of previous tailbone injury or any symptoms of tailbone pain, aching, soreness or discomfort. If the baby is in a position that does not allow the sex to be determined, the ultrasound technician may not be able to see the babys genitals. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Note that many medical radiology tests such as x-rays and CT scans (CAT scans) are typically avoided during pregnancy since they would cause radiation exposure to the baby (embryo, fetus). (2017). Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can help a person manage the pain symptoms. In most cases, the best thing you can do is try to rest as much as possible and take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. The waist of women can break or injured while delivering a baby. Last medically reviewed on December 16, 2021. Pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman, and not everyone experiences all of these symptoms. Tailbone discomfort can occur when the spine is compressed during childbirth. Cardiovascular health: Insomnia linked to greater risk of heart attack. Dr. Foyes How to articles on Tailbone Pain: New Jersey Medical School is part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. When the pain rears its head, reach for an ice pack or heating pad"whichever feels better," says Julie Lamppa, APRN . Tailbone pain is also common in women who have given birth. While evidence to support their effectiveness is limited, massage or the application of a heating pad or ice pack to your back might help. If I get too comfy on the couch then get up sometimes Im stuck bent over cause it hurts!! Pregnant women should avoid taking NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, naproxen, Aleve, aspirin, Bufferin, etc.) Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. There are situations when the exact reason for tailbone discomfort is unknown. However, this is not always accurate. In most cases, the pain will go away . Tailbone pain is more common in the late second trimester and third trimester. Coccygeal symptoms may also be associated with. Although anyone can experience coccydynia, it is more common in women. Find the sitting position that is most comfortable for you. Pelvic floor rehabilitation programs often use techniques such as down training to promote muscle relaxation. This article will cover stretches that people can use to relieve pain. The coccyx serves as an attachment site for several muscles and ligaments. This is a common occurrence after pregnancy as the pregnancy backward tilt is maintained after birth, causing the woman to sit on her sacrum which in turn aggravates the tailbone pain. Pregnancy hormones, changes in the bodys center of gravity, and the strain of carrying the baby can all contribute to lower back pain. Most cases of lower back pain in early pregnancy are caused by the extra weight that the baby and uterus are putting on the back muscles and ligaments. The pain in the tailbone can be dull and achy, but it usually becomes sharper when . Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy CanT Walk, What Type Of Discharge Is Normal In Early Pregnancy. Coccyx (tailbone) pain substantially decreases the quality of life for patients who suffer with this condition. My pain was really awful, I ended up not being able to get up and had to call an ambulance bcs something was displaced. Create an account or log in to participate. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. While approximately 70% of women experience low-back pain at some point in their lives, 50% - 80% report back pain in pregnancy. It hurts so bad at times I cannot put weight on my leg or walk. The condition is caused by straining during bowel movements and/or from increased pressure during pregnancy and childbirth. While the cause of lower back pain during early pregnancy is often unknown, there are several factors that can contribute to the pain. During the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body secretes hormones that soften the area between the sacrum and the coccyx. Performing specific stretches may help to relieve tension in the tailbone. It acts as an attachment point for the pelvic floor muscles that . www.TailbonePain.net. When standing, focus on stacking the chest and avoid over arching your back. Plural. Founder and Director at Tailbone Pain Center. Additionally, if your lower buttock muscles are tight it can also aggravate your pain. This can lead to instability in the tailbone, and again, pain. 4. 5. When the pain is alleviated, there is more room for comfortably conducting other forms of treatment. The coccyx supports the weight of the body and is responsible for sitting and balance. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot that can be done to relieve the pain. While you dont talk about pelvic health every day, we do. www.TailboneDoctor.com Keep in mind, however, that the earlier you take the test, the less accurate it may be. She said stretching, heating pads and even going to the chiropractor all help relieve the pain. Hold onto the bent knee and pull it gently down into the chest. A nerve block may assist in alleviating discomfort produced by the ganglion impar. The tailbone, or coccyx, is at the base of the spine. 4. There is a tendency to slump forward while pregnant, but that can take a toll on your spine. I ordered mine and supposed to get it today. If you experience any of these symptoms, its a good idea to take a home pregnancy test or see your doctor. Then slowly return to the center and rotate toward the right side. Best food forward: Are algae the future of sustainable nutrition? Dr. Sean Ormond is dual board-certified in Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain Management. Your chances of suffering from tailbone discomfort can be reduced by: Avoid falling. - you may have adjusted your sitting posture during pregnancy and are sitting more on your sacrum rather than your SIT bones. If you are using a sensitive HPT, you may be able to detect pregnancy as early as four days after ovulation. Pregnancy can cause lots of aches and pains and one of those popular spots is the tailbone. Another common cause of tailbone pain during pregnancy is the Relaxin hormone. The tailbone, or coccyx, is the name given to the remaining little bones or ossicles below the sacrum that are likewise fused together. (2016). It gives you support when you sit. Morning sickness is also common in early pregnancy. The good news is that there are some things you can do to help ease the pain. Joint hypermobility: The joint between the sacrum and the coccyx and the coccyx itself is put under additional stress by hypermobility or excessive movement of the coccyx. It serves as an attachment point for the pelvic floor. If the pain is severe or persists, be sure to speak to your doctor. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. It's a pain-blocking injectable that can be administered intravenously. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Muscles worked: This pelvic tilt moves your spine by . Welcome to my fertility blog. It's possible that you'll feel discomfort in your tailbone because of the connection between your pelvic floor muscles and that bone. Any sort of coccyx cushion can alleviate pain and promote blood flow in the buttock area by alleviating pressure on the tailbone in an assisted wheelchair position. On a similar vein, try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. coccyx pain during pregnancy. Proper posture: bad sitting position can be one of the important factors of coccyx pain. Obviously, this needs to be discussed with the obstetrician and/or midwife to reach some understanding, to have a mutually agreed-upon plan, as well as a backup plan if necessary. Tailbone discomfort can be treated effectively and safely with physical therapy that focuses on the pelvic floor muscles. Focus on tucking the shoulder blades down and back to prevent the shoulders from rising. The most common cause of coccydynia is injury whereby the bones of the tailbone could be injured directly, such as in a fall or over time, due to repetitive activities. Coccydynia is a common ailment, but your doctor may also do tests to rule out other disorders with similar symptoms. People typically experience coccydynia, or persistent tailbone pain, when they are sitting or when something is putting pressure on the lower spine. If you are experiencing lower back pain during early pregnancy, there are several things that you can do to help alleviate the pain. Ive been experiencing lower back pain as well. So, how can you tell if youre pregnant. If your tailbone pain doesn't improve (chronic coccydynia), consult your doctor. An inspection of the area under pain using methods such as palpation and imaging may be used to look for any fractures, deformities, masses, or abscesses that are readily apparent (infection). Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. My OB says my baby has already dropped this can happen earlier in consecutive pregnancies. prolonged sitting. Loose ligaments from your pregnancy or an injury sustained after delivery can contribute to a hurting tailbone after birth. Proper sitting posture can be taught by your therapist as well. So, I'm . Hypermobility: If a woman moves too much during pregnancy without any rest, there is a chance that stress will develop in the tailbone, resulting in pain. The tailbone, or coccyx, is located at the bottom of the spine. Lower the torso forward and rest on folded arms to increase the stretch if necessary. An increase in urination is also common in early pregnancy. Find out more about tailbone pain and how to treat it here. Mini-review: the tail-bone has a function, tailbone pain can arise from different areas of the body and may actually cause pain other than in the tailbone, pain, in general, comes from a change in the . This is important for the safety of both the mother and the baby. www.Tailbone.info I did not have this pain during my first pregnancy so I was really worried. For women who have a regular menstrual cycle, this is typically around the time when a missed period would be expected. It also increases spine mobility and takes pressure off your tailbone. These hip muscles are the main muscles that help the hip to flex. Yes definately go to a chropractor i went at 6 weeks for left butt cheek pain and today i went for right lower back pain. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct any damage that has been done to the tailbone. Dr. Foyes Listing on Spine Universe, Information on Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) Relief Rest the shin and knee of the back leg on the ground with the toes pointing backward. In most cases, the best thing you can do is try to rest as much as possible and take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) Free Review Article at eMedicine, Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) New Jersey (NJ), Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) New York (NY), Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) New York City (NYC), Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) Pennsylvania (PA), Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain) Connecticut (CT) How you can ease tailbone (coccyx) pain yourself. In an anterior (front) to posterior (back) direction, the lateral border of the coccyx serves as an insertion point for the coccygeal muscles, the sacrospinous ligament, the sacrotuberous ligament and the gluteus maximus. Foye, P. M. (2017). Tailbone pain is often caused by the pelvic ligaments loosening and shifting. While sleeping use a pillow between the knees. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Gently increasing the stretch over time will allow the range of movement to expand. An injury that happens by falling from the bicycle or any other vehicle may cause tailbone pain. Its usually worse in the morning and improves as the day goes on. Some great exercises that activate the glute max efficiently AND effectively are: side lunges, lateral step ups, bird dogs, single leg squat, wall squat, single leg . If a woman has a positive pregnancy test, but experiences bleeding, she may also have an ultrasound to determine if the baby has died. Could it be sciatica? Coccydinia is a broad term that encapsulates pain in the inferior sacrum and coccyx region. The tailbone, also known as coccyx, is located at the bottom of your spine. The iliopsoas comprises the joined iliacus and psoas muscles. From the first trimester to delivery, this is what you'll want to know about every symptom and change your body may go through, and what (if anything) you can do about it. Our New Address:18205 N 51st Ave STE 125, Glendale, AZ 85308. As the baby develops and grows bigger, the fetus' bones start to push against your bones, causing discomfort. Coccyx (tailbone) pain can occur at any time during your pregnancy due to the increase in body weight, softening of the ligaments and muscles around your pelvis. This pose is not suitable for people with knee problems. Also, it would be best to have the evaluation and treatment completed prior to any subsequent pregnancy. Serious: In rare cases, tailbone pain can be caused by tumors or deep infection. A fall, sitting on a hard or narrow surface, degenerative joint changes or vaginal childbirth can cause tailbone pain. Some of the common causes of tailbone pain include: Poor posture: There is no definite good posture due to the unique anatomical structure of each person. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? Rotate four to five times to each side, only turning as far as possible without any pain. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. In fact, you can do just about anything to a pregnancy test to change the results. Consider using seat cushions that put less pressure on the coccyx. Seek medical attention from a specialist with experience in treating tailbone pain. Many pregnant women experience tailbone pain at some point during their pregnancies. This occurs because those muscles and other things in there never tighten up to their prechildren status. There are several reasons why tailbone pain starts during pregnancy. Anyone know what this could be? Falls, knocks, and trauma experienced in childbirth can all cause coccyx . These exercises reduced the participants pain when sitting and increased the amount of pressure that they could withstand on the lower back before feeling pain. So, if youre concerned that you may be pregnant, its best to talk to your doctor. A 13-degree range of motion is considered typical. Try heat, cold or massage. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. The condition is often called "Runner's Nerve" because of lot of runners and . There are several things you can do to help relieve lower back pain in early pregnancy: Use a firm mattress and avoid sleeping on your stomach. Herniated disc in the lower back pain may be located in the sacral area or in the left or right buttock and may spread down a leg and possibly causing tingling in the feet. Additionally, activities that require heavy lifting or twisting can aggravate the pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also be prescribed by your doctor. If you have been trying to conceive for more than a month and you have not been successful, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor. Manual release of muscles supporting the pelvis and tailbone will be done to release tension. Tuck the pelvis under and lean forward slightly. Symptoms of tailbone pain can range from a dull ache to sharp, stabbing, or shooting pains in the lower back or buttock. Tailbone pain during pregnancy is typically caused by the added weight and pressure of the baby on the tailbone. Tailbone pain causes. Regular walking for at least 20 minutes will help unblock the strained muscles. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Our coccyx foam seat pad features a specially designed cut-out . Hold for 3 seconds. Be sure to stand and sit up straight, and avoid slouching. A wedge-shaped cushion with a cutout for the tailbone is highly recommended. Here are my go to stretches to relieve tailbone & lower back pain in pregnancy. Heart failure: Could a low sodium diet sometimes do more harm than good? Therapists often recommend several types of conservative interventions, including: Physical therapists recommend practicing deep breathing from the diaphragm to release pelvic floor tension by calming the nervous system. These include wedge cushions (which have a triangle wedge-shape cut out so that the coccyx does not contact the cushion there) and donut cushions (which have a hole in the center). Weight: Being overweight or underweight can lead to coccyx pain. Tailbone pain is one of the most common types of pain experienced during pregnancy. Yes, you can over pee on a pregnancy test. Take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). If the tailbone is sore and inflamed, overactivity of the pelvic floor and hip-opening muscles can worsen pain symptoms. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and even difficulty walking. Bloating is another common symptom of early pregnancy. In most cases, the main cause of tailbone pain in the second trimester is physiological. Sciatica is nerve pain that runs through the buttocks down the back of the legs. A new mother's ability to function can be hindered if she experiences postpartum tailbone pain. 3. This is a natural process but, unfortunately, such movement may stretch the muscles and ligaments around the coccyx too far, causing additional pain. Such changes can cause pain in the lumbar region and coccyx. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Use ice or heat on your tailbone. plus looking at me you can see she's lower . Pressure on tailbone. I was much better, so we decided to try for baby #2. Sitting Posture It's your body's way of protecting your baby . Im 18 & 6 months pregnant. The area around the tailbone is usually very tender and causes pain when sitting or getting up from a sitting position. getting up from a seated position. To check for inflammation and chordoma, an MRI or bone scan can be done.

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tailbone pain during pregnancy can't walk